Collections Information
Pattern collections from various institutions and some individuals are included in the Commercial Pattern Archive database. The idea is to cite the location of specific patterns if further information or work with the pattern is needed.
University of Rhode Island Library,
Distinctive Collections, URI Carothers Library
15 Lippitt Rd, Kingston, RI 02881
The four collections are housed at the University of Rhode Island:
Betty Williams Collection (BWS)
The Joy Emery Collection (JSE)
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)
The University of Rhode Island Collection (URI)
They are available by appointment. None of the materials are circulating.
To schedule an appointment, please contact Karen Morse by email at or by telephone at 401-874-2128 at least two weeks in advance of your preferred appointment day.
The archive has over 60,000 patterns from the 1860s though 2010 cataloged in CoPA; 90% of the collection is scanned. Additional materials include and extensive collection of tailoring journals, fashion periodicals, pattern catalogs and books related to making garments and dating from the mid-19th century. The catalog of these materials can be found in the URI Library here. Additional materials include Betty Williams research papers.
Other Institutional Collections

Glenbow Museum
130 -9 Ave. S.E.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2G 0P3
Contact: Marcia Slater, Collections Technician
Forty seven representive patterns from a large number of patterns in the Glenbow collection are in the database: no scanned images at this point.

Kevin L. Seligman Collection
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Doris Stein Research Center, Department of Costume and Textiles
5905 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Phone: 323-857-6085
FAX: 323-857-6218
Over 18,000 patterns including many English patterns, Most Advance, Butterick, & McCalls patterns are scanned. Housed with the Doris Stein Research Center's Library, the archive encompasses patterns, journals with patterns, sewing and drafting equipment, tailoring and designing instructions, social commentaries, bills of sale, trade cards, and advertisements, which date from the early 19th century through the late 20th century. Pattern companies, such as Blackmore, Bestways, Butterick, Vogue, Le Coquet, Madame Maude, Hollywood, McCall, Weldons, and many others, are represented in this collection. The On-line catalog available via

The Fashion Museum
Assembly Rooms
Bennett Street
Bath, BA1 2QE
Contact: Rosemary Harden / Elaine Uttley
Phone: 44 - 1225 - 477754
About 1500 patterns primarily 20th C: particularly nice "make-do & mend" patterns from WWII & Vogue couturier patterns. Some patterns scanned.
Access policy: If you would like to see a selection of dressmaking patterns from the Fashion Museum collection please contact us on to make an appointment in the Fashion Museum Study Facilities. Please note the Study Facilities are popular and do get booked up. It is best, therefore, to plan your visit in good time.

RISD Museum of Art
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
Department of Costume & Textiles
224 Benefit St.
Providence, RI 02903
Contact: Kate Irvin, Curator
Phone: (401) 454-6514
FAX: (401) 454-6541
A few late 19th & early 20th C patterns scanned.

Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen's Park
Toronto ON M5S 2C6
Contact: Anu Liivandi
Phone 416-586-8057
FAX 416-586-5877
Thirty-nine representive patterns from over a large number of patterns in the FIT collection are in the database; no scanned images at this point.

Sterling Historical Society
Ruth Hepherman, Curator
7 Pine Street
PO Box 365
Sterling MA 01564
Phone: 978 422-6139
A good representation of very early Butterick patterns and papers related to Ebinezier Buttereick's early years in Sterling. Open hours vary. Best contact is by snail mail.

University Nevada-Reno
Contact information is not available at this time.CoPA contains 390 patterns from 1950s to 1970: no scanned images at this point.
Individual Collectors
Deanna Hendriks-West
Dewberry, Alberta --T0B1G0Canada
Phone: 780-847-2364
Contact information is not available at this time. CoPA contains 600 patterns to 1970.
Staff and contributors can log into the database at